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How to uninstall Box Drive or Box Sync

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

You can often uninstall Box Drive or Box Sync from your operating system using the normal ways you would uninstall an application.  But there is also a second way to do this that works on both Windows and Mac computers.

Open Chrome (this does not work well with Safari).  Go to .  Once logged in, click on Apps on the left side of the screen.  Then in the upper right, click on My Apps.  Look to see if you have Box Sync or Box Drive installed. If you click on either one of them, there will be an option to Remove it.  You must restart your computer before it will take effect.

If your version of Box Drive is not working properly it's a great idea to Remove it, restart your computer, then return to and go to Apps and install it again.


If you have more questions, email or call 864-656-3494.



How to uninstall Box Drive or Box Sync