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How to create workgroups for Canvas using Central

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

To create a workgroup for Canvas, go to Central: .   

1.  Click on + Create located in the upper right of the page.

2.  Enter a Group Name.

3.  Enter a Description for the group (Required).

4.  Click on each resource you require for the group:  Contact Support Center to select Canvas for a Canvas workgroup.

5.  Click Save.


At this point you will be able to add users.

To add a single member:

1. Open group and select Users

2. Enter the individual's username where it says Add user by UserID.

3. Select the role for the individual - default is Member.

4. Click Add User.

5.  Click Save.


To add/remove members after creation:

1.  Search for your workgroup.

2.  Highlight the group you want to change, click on Edit.

3.  Click on the USERS tab at the top.

3.  To add an individual follow instructions above.

4.  To add multiple people click on Batch Edit, enter the usernames separated by commas, and click Submit.

5. To delete a user click on the trash can beside that user's name under Remove User.

6.  Click Save.


If you have more questions, email or call 864-656-3494.

How to create workgroups for Canvas using Central