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Classroom Technology Checklist

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Clemson University is leveraging classroom technology to deliver a blended instructional model. More than 480 traditional and laboratory classrooms are equipped to become one of three types of classrooms: lectern, video teleconferencing (VTC), and laptop classrooms.

This checklist will assist instructors with ensuring they are prepared to teach when Clemson University returns to a blended instructional model.

Before in-person classes begin:

After in-person classes begin:

  • Arrive at least 15 minutes early in order to have enough time to prepare.
  • Ensure camera is positioned correctly.
    • Presets, corresponding to camera position, have been established for each classroom. “Preset 1” will always correspond to the respective classroom lectern. Additional presets will correspond to writing surfaces, which will be classroom dependent.
  • If the camera and audio are not detected in Zoom, ensure the camera is turned on. If needed, press the power button on the remote to turn on the system. Ensure that Camera 1 is selected.

After class is over:

  • Identify items that did not go as planned.
  • Contact CCIT or Clemson Online for support.


Classroom Technology Checklist