Remove Configuration Profile on Mac

If you are having trouble connecting to eduroam, you may try removing the eduroam configuration profile in order to connect as if it were the first time. The configuration profile holds information about the network that is used when you reconnect to it, but occasionally, the information in this can become outdated and interfere when you try to connect. Removing it will typically solve this issue. Please follow the instructions below:

After it is removed, try connecting to eduroam again, using your and Clemson password. If this works correctly, it should ask you to trust a certificate. You should allow it to do so, and then it will try to connect to eduroam again.

If you have more questions, email or call 864-656-3494.

Article ID: 681
Created: July 16, 2018
Last Updated: November 6, 2019
Author: Faye Buckley

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