OVERVIEW: CU Events (Guidebook) User Roles
CCIT manages the CU Events app (Guidebook) and its guides, which other Clemson University groups and departments can use for events, conferences, and meetings. It is important to distinguish between Guide roles to determine duties and responsibilities of individuals working on a Guide.
The Basics
Under the new (as of October 26. 2017) homepage, your permission level within your Organization (Org) will determine your ability to create and manage guides and apps.
Let’s examine these permission levels:
- As an Org Admin, you can:
- Select provisioned guides to begin working on them.
- Invite Members to collaborate on those guides.
- Invite other users to be Members (or Admins) of the Org
- Org Admins will be designated members of the CCIT Mobile Innovation Team
- As an Org Member, you can:
- Work on guides that an Org Admin has invited you to collaborate on. Please Note: Org Members cannot create new guides for their Organization. They must request permission to access the guide from their Org Admin. Contact CCIT Mobile Innovation Team at http://mobile.sites.clemson.edu/feedback.html for more info. Select "Guidebook Inquiries" option.
- Submit a guide for approval to publish. Org Admin will either approve or reject. For more information, see Publishing Your Guide.
- Edit an already published guide
- As a Standard User, you can:
- Create guides for your own personal use.
- Standard Users will not be able to publish guides via the CU Events app.
For a complete article and FAQ on user roles, see here.
Article ID: 634
Created: November 3, 2017
Last Updated: November 3, 2017
Author: Faye Buckley
Online URL: https://hdkb.clemson.edu/phpkb/article.php?id=634