Solution to Error on Macs Connecting to Oracle with Tableau

There is an issue with connecting to Oracle on Macs with Tableau.  The solution is below.

Here is the error that user would receive:

Error when connecting to Oracle on Mac with Tableau 



By default, Tableau’s drivers are in this directory: Macintosh HD/Library/Tableau/Drivers 

Navigate to this directory and locate the file ojdbc8.jar

If the file is missing, download it here:

Copy and paste the ojdbc8.jar file to this directory: Macintosh HD/Users/[user name]/Library/Tableau/Drivers

This is a hidden directory, so you will need to turn on hidden files on Macs to see it.

Restart Tableau and connect to Oracle


If you have more questions email or call 864-656-3494.

Article ID: 2794
Created: January 17, 2023
Last Updated: April 16, 2024
Author: Laurie Sherrod

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