Quizzes have an autosubmit feature tied to the Until (lock) date, which may affect student submissions. Only quiz attempts that have been started are auto-submitted. Common quiz scenarios and date results include the following:
Test Window:
Available From Jul 9 @ 8 am
Available Until Jul 9 @ 12 pm
Quiz Duration: 60 minutes
Scenario 1:
Student 1 - Starts the quiz at 8 am and completes it in 45 minutes. The quiz is submitted when the student submits it.
Student 2 - Starts the quiz at 11:30 am and is still taking the quiz when the Until time is reached. The quiz is autosubmitted.
Student 3 - Student was granted extra time, 30 minutes, through Moderate This Quiz so student has a total of 90 minutes to complete exam. Student starts at 8:30 am and completes it at 9:45 am when it is submitted.
Student 4: Student was granted extra time, 30 minutes, through Moderate This Quiz so student has a total of 90 minutes to complete exam. Student starts at 11 am and is still working on it when it autosubmits at 12 pm. The Until time overrides any additional time set in Moderate This Quiz.
How to prevent an Extended Time Quiz from being autosubmitted prematurely.
Assign the quiz separately to that student with the Until time extended the original time restriction, 60 minutes, and the extra time granted through Moderate This Quiz, 30 minutes. In the case of Student 3 you need to set the Until time to 9:30.
Now if the student starts the quiz at 8 am and completes it before the Until time of 9:30 am is reached the student was able to utilize the full time of the extension.
Extending time after quiz has been started:
Adding time after the quiz is started: If you have a student who is actively taking the test and experiences technical difficulties, you can add additional time by clicking on the clock in Moderate this Quiz located on the row for that student.
In the Extend Quiz Time box you can see the time the student started and when the test should end. Enter the number of minutes to grant to the student and then select the option of “the current end time” and click on the Extend Time button. You should now see the clock with the additional time granted. The Until date/time does not interfere with adding additional time via the timer therefore the quiz will only autosubmit after the total time has expired.
If you have more questions, email ITHELP@clemson.edu or call 864-656-3494.
Article ID: 1872
Created: September 29, 2020
Last Updated: April 25, 2024
Author: Laurie Sherrod
Online URL: https://hdkb.clemson.edu/phpkb/article.php?id=1872